About Me

I was born in Iowa (corn fed) but have no memories of it because my family moved to Southern California when I was just a month or two old.  I've lived in South Pasadena most of my life with short stints in Springdale, Arkansas (1977-1980) and Suwanee, Georgia (2004-2005).  Currently, I live in the Santa Clarita Valley just over the mountain from the Los Angeles basin.
I was born hairless.  Here I am at 9 months.

My favorite subjects in school were math and art.  Seems to have worked out since I am now a "business person."  You can check out what I do to earn a living here.  My first degree (AA) was in Creative Fashion Design and my second degree (BS) was in Management Accounting.  I like to make things (food, art, crafts, clothes, you name it) in my free time.

One of my future goals is to own a small home on lots of acreage.  Not sure where yet... any ideas?  I don't like high humidity so the Southeast is pretty much out.  I'd like to enjoy all four seasons, have a small garden, and be able to take relaxing walks right outside my front (or back) door.  High speed Internet is a must. :-)

I do like chocolate (milk chocolate Toblerone, to be specific)!
What?  Me?  Who ate the entire tin of chocolate Ex-Lax?  Uh-oh...

I've been vegetarian since 1984.  I remember it clearly.  It was in Tucson, AZ poolside at the Santa Rita Hotel (no longer there).  I split two twenty-piece Chicken McNuggets with my younger sister and girlfriend.  I remember shapes and rubbery textures that I don't care to ever experience again.  I said "that's it," no more of this animal flesh for me.  I never really liked eating meat anyway.  I recall burying a slice of meatloaf (the worst) into a potted plant once.  I will prepare meat dishes for others, however - as long as it's kosher and fully cooked.

Favorite color(s):  the rainbow, but if I had to pick one color it would be periwinkle, cranberry red, peridot green, cobalt blue (I guess that's more than one).
Favorite fruit(s):  boysenberry, peach (flame), raspberry, ruby red grapefruit, stawberry (picked ripe off the vine), tangelo, tomato (homegrown).
Pretty awnry!

Moonlyf:  I like the beauty, myth, whimsy and magic of the moon - especially, the crescent moon.